REPORTS: “How ivory traders are capitalising on the failures in policy and governance, and corruption within institutions-”
https://www.jtef.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Front-page.jpg 792 834 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization Japan Tiger Elephant Organization https://www.jtef.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Front-page.jpgNovember 17, 2017
Tokyo-based Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund published today a report titled: “Why Should the Japanese Domestic Ivory Market Be Closed? -How ivory traders are capitalising on the failures in policy and governance, and corruption within institutions-” (194 pages total). PRESS RELEASE
This report illustrates all aspects of Japan’s ivory trade through all information about the market available and comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of Japan’s ivory trade controls. It is comprised of 8 chapters as follows;
Chapter 1: Application of the CITES Resolution on closure of domestic ivory market to
Chapter 2: Online Trade of Ivory in Japan
Chapter 3: Import/export of ivory between Japan and the other countries including China, and regulation on Import/export in Japan
Chapter 4: The reality of internal trade in Japan’s domestic ivory market, and the regulation over it / the registration scheme
Chapter 5: The supervisory scheme over the business and the products certification
scheme, for internal trade control on ivory cut pieces and ivory products
Chapter 6: Japan’s compliance with the mandate on taking measures for internal trade controls urged by CITES Resolution Conf. 10.10
Chapter 7: Perspective of tightening controls of ivory trade by Government of Japan in the wake of the CITES resolution on closure of domestic ivory market
Chapter 8: Final discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation
Masayuki Sakamoto, Executive Director of JTEF concluded, “Although illegal internal trade, import and export have continued, and the illegal internal trade has significantly increased in particular, the Government of Japan is determined in
opposition to follow the resolution of closure of domestic ivory trade, and far from it, is avoiding closing the serious loopholes in its controls on ivory trade and is consistently vitalizing ivory supply into the market and demand for ivory.
In these situations, it is gravely concerned that traffickers would launder illegally-traded ivory through the market of legally-traded ivory.
There is no question that Japan’s domestic ivory market should be urgently closed down in accordance with CITES Resolution 10.10 (Rev. CoP17).”
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